Thursday, November 6, 2008


Phillip J. Berg, a well known democratic lawyer in the state of Pennsylvania, has taken the birth certificate issue of Barack Obama to the Supreme court. Mr. Berg had made a request to the judge for a presidential election delay, and this request was denied on November 3rd. The judge denied that request, but also has ordered Barack Obama or his Lawyers to reply to the allegations regarding his birth certificate. Berg had recently filed a case in an eastern district federal court of Pennsylvania, but the case was dismissed due to "lack of standing," which means that berg did not have proper standing or any place to challenge Barack Obama's qualifications. Berg was disappointed in the decision and that is why he decided to appeal to the Supreme court and ask for a hearing. Obama's lawyers and the DNC lawyers chose to argue that the case be dismissed instead of simply showing Obama's birth certificate. This case has caused massive skepticism nationwide about Obama's origins/identity.

Berg does not believe Obama's certificate on his website is authentic. Obama started a website called to silence the issue, but Many independent experts have studied the alleged "Certificate of live birth," and do not believe it to be real either. Berg contends that Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya, and that Obama relinquished any citizenship he had when he moved to indonesia as a child. Berg cites indonesian law that disallows a citizen of indonesia to hold dual citizenship with any other country. Obama attended public school in indonesia and his record is on file and has been confirmed by the associated press. To view Obama's school records, click here.

Obama's childhood name was "Barry Soetoro," as a child, because his indonesia stepfather(Lolo Soetoro) adopted him. Berg wonders why Obama decided to change it back.

Berg also contends that even if Obama was born in Hawaii, that does not make him a natural born citizen because one of his parent's was not a citizen. Thus, certain rules apply to the mother(Who is a citizen) for him to to be considered natural born. Berg contends that the mother must be a citizen for 10 years prior to Obama being born, with 5 of those years being AFTER the age of 16. Berg contends that was the law then, and that Obama lost any citizenship he had when he was declared a citizen of indonesia. There is many other elements of the case.

To learn more about the case currently in Supreme court, check out the following link:

The case is an actual case and it gives the docket number. You can view the docket by vising the supreme court's main website.

To read the lawsuit and all of the court documents, visit The website currently has over 100 million hits in 2 months. Berg says that if Obama shows his original vault version birth certificate to the court system and its verified and revealed to the public, he will drop the case.

Berg says he will keep fighting this and challenge the electoral college and their vetting process. Obama is not officially the next president until the electoral college meets and formally nominates him. Berg wants a supreme court hearing and will keep fighting to make this an issue. He believes this will be a constitutional crisis if Obama is in office and not a real citizen and therefore, not qualified.

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