Thursday, November 6, 2008

Part of Obama's Vote: White Guilt and the race card?

Dare I ask this question: Is part of Obama's vote a sense of white guilt in this country? Do not misunderstand me here: I am not saying that all people who voted for Obama was because they felt ashamed of how their ancestors treated blacks, nor am I saying that ALL people voted for him because they feared being a racist. But I think this is a legitimate question: If you rant and rave about Barack Obama's associations, his policies, his radical statements, then you are considered a racist. I think McCain's foreign policy is very radical and extreme and I do not support it one bit, nor do I support Obama's idea to invade afghanistan and possibly pakistan. Obama also wants to continue a war that he chose to fund, and he wants to leave military force in iraq even 16 more months! More people die, more money is spent, and Obama is ok with continuation of it. Obama does what most politicians do - and that is what is politically correct. He is a puppet for bigger interests just like Bush is.

On to my main point: Many people, especially young people - are brainwashed into voting for Obama because of what is on the surface. They look at the color of his skin and feel a sense of obligation to vote for him simply because he is black. Let me also mention that over 95% of black people voted for Obama, and does anyone honestly believe that is not race-driven? It's always white people who are racist when they have a problem with a prominent black figure, but when black people rave and rant about white people, it is OK. You know... like Barack OBAMA'S PASTOR OF 20 YEARS, who rants and RAVES about HOW RICH AND EVIL US WHITE PEOPLE ARE. In my view, many black people are over defensive about the race issue and more often then not, they instigate racial divide. There is definitely white racists, but don't sit there and say there isn't black people who hate whites. Let's face it folks, The black population voted for Obama because he was BLACK. Sure, they have always supported the dems, but even more of them supported Obama in this race.

I believe the last two or three elections have been rigged and the vote has been tampered with, but there is no doubt about some demographics. I think many whites voted for Obama because they see things on the surface. They say Obama is a great speaker... funny for a man who once said there is 57 states, lol. The guy is no better a speaker then many politicians. Many people fall in love with Obama because it is the "cool" thing to do, to vote for a young black man who uses the word "CHANGE". Although, some would contend he isn't a black american, being his mother is white, and his father is from africa. Thus, he'd be bi-racial. In any event - what kind of change does obama offer? What is so different about Barack Obama? Adolf Hitler was a GREAT SPEAKER, but an evil person. I am not saying Obama is anything remotely close to Hitler, because he isn't. But you can't say Obama is different just because you think he is a little more intelligent then George Bush, who we all know lacks loads of intelligence. Just because he speaks well and has a youthful appearance does not make him a great leader. His policies and action have to be tested, and frankly, his policies are more of the same. He is nothing like John F. Kennedy, and I find it laughable when the comparison is made.

I want to hear a response from you Obama supporters. Tell me what he is going to do to make AMERICA SO MUCH BETTER. Tell me how he will restore the dollar and our currency, and tell me how he feels baout the federal reserve system and its influence on monetary problems. Tell me how Obama will bring peace to middle east, when he insists on invading afghanistan, and possibly iran and pakistan. Tell me how he will restore our "Standing" in the world. Tell me how he is going to save the poor. He can't save the poor, only the poor can rely on themselves and their families and friends. Obama is not your savior and just because he promises you a check in the mail, doesn't mean you'll get one. Tell me how Obama offers more freedom, when he wants to EXPAND government. I guess you'll say what they all say.. "stop SMEARING OBAMA!!!!." I'm not smearing him, I am seriously calling into question what is so great about him.

The man stood in a church with a preacher who believes in BLACK LIBERATION. Do you have any clue what that means? Don't say "well he didnt know." He knew WRIGHT for 20 years and he knew exactly what he stood for. Obama's identity has so many different questions, its crazy. These things aren't just smears and they don't just come out of nowhere. Deal with it - this country is still divided just like when Bush was president. Millions of Americans do not like Obama and do not believe much of anything he says.


Anonymous said...

Already posted in your Facebook note, but here it is again:

I think the majority of the vote was not related to white guilt (although I'm sure some small part of it was as in all other elections when people vote for stupid reasons). Granted, I voted for Cynthia McKinney, a black woman, but that's because I liked her best.

That is a response to your white guilt blog entry.

And I, at least, never said you were racist for ranting against Obama.

And a lot of whites are rich and evil, especially those who are represented in the media (related to politics, entertainment, etc.). There are some blacks who are, too, but simply not as many.

I do agree there are racists of all races, though; have you seen the movie Crash? Crash is a good example of that, even if it is fiction.

I can't say anything I knew fell in love with Obama because it was "cool" to fall in love with a black man who uses the word "change."

"They say Obama is a great speaker... funny for a man who once said there is 57 states, lol."
Funny for you since you said "is 57 states," not "ARE 57."

"Tell me how he will restore our "Standing" in the world."
I don't know in the long run exactly how we will restore our standing in the world since I don't know the future, but I will say he is already starting to restore it in the short term.

Anonymous said...

oh, crap. by "I can't say anything I knew fell in love with Obama," I meant to say "anyone," not "anything." duhr.

Anonymous said...

let me guess? ur white? racist bastard. a black president is 75 days away from walking into the white house. accept it.

chelseamay said...

Actually, Obama said there were 60 states. He said he'd been to 57, had one to go, and was unable to go to Hawaii and Alaska.

And he's a good speaker, sure, when his words are fed to him on a teleprompter.

He has so many whack policies. Like the ones for abortion? what the heck.

And seriously? The whole national healthcare thing is just going to be a big mess. I could get into the economics of the situation, but I have politically debated so many people this week I am truly exhausted.
Nice post, though.

Atsuko Arai said...

I'm not sure if white guilt was the driving force that put Obama in the white house...

I think it was stupidity. Barack Obama has FOLLOWERS. They rallied behind him like idiots who follow celebrities into the voting booths, thinking because they're on the big screen that somehow makes them smarter.

You couldn't argue with these Obama fanatics, because everything about their case for Obama is purely emotional. And I know, I've listened to them.

They can't make an intelligent substantial argument for this man because there is nothing substantial about him. They don't question his affiliations and his past because the mainstream media refused to make an issue of it, and these are the kind of people who rely on the mainstream media as their sole knowledge base.

In two years or less, the people of this country will see just what a mistake they've made, and this time they can't pin it on the republicans because they have their democrat congress and their socialist president.

Hopefully this will spark the revival of conservatism this country desperately needs.

Dave Linsalata Wiltshire said...

Atsuko arai, I couldn't agree with you more. When Obamas first time is done, I believe it could turn out to be worse then jimmy carter's term in office. Tons of deficit spending, tons of taxes, a crashing dollar, and a climbing national debt. He does not offer fiscal responsibility. I agree with you, conservatism is going to skyrocket in 4 years.

Anonymous said...

I think that Obama is not going to be very good for the country. I also disliked McCain; I ended up voting for Bob Barr. Although I didn't agree with everything that Barr stood for, I thought that he was the best choice of the three. I may have "thrown" my vote away, but at least I voted for someone who I believed would make a difference.
I'm tuning out the next four years; it might end up being a big disaster since Obama has no real experience :( I weep for the future.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Obama is def. no JFK (not that he was perfect- he was good though). I saw a clip of Obama talking about space travel and things of that nature; I don't believe a word of it. NASA is very much so DOOMED!

Anonymous said...

A.Jerell, A,CO.
Well I'ma chocolate american and I voted for Obama just because. The way I see it, It cant be any worse for me than what Bush or any other pres. did, ANd that whole guilt thing I dont believe played that much of a role in his election. But Karma's a btch, and america still has yet to pay for that whole slave and segragation and water hosing, burning our churches and false convictions and that bringing in CRACK thing. But I dont make the rules, KARMA does. I honestly didnt even follow his campaign. But after not getting that 40 acres and mule that was promised by law (so did you know by the way America breaks its law every second of every day just by that one unfulfilled law), the whole MLK thing, The Black Panthers thing, the whole lynching and hanging thing, the entire justice system y-t-d. Hell, you better make this nigga president so we can produce hope. Keep in mind that the constitution from "our fore fathers" was made for "white" people, by "white" people" and the "minorities" were to be the burden bearers for "white" people (but I dont think your racist, real shit) and living in one of the most shadiest of the most racist states in america that being CO. as a minority I am the living proof of these affairs (racial discrimination is not FICTITIOUS) honestly the best thing about bein a chocolate american is you have the privilege of experiencing the worst of the best, of a worst, so we dont fear "change" too much. Just being "black" is fearful enough, unfortunately thats not a joke. And the terms white and black are apart of the whole subliminal bullshnit too, look up the terms, which would you rather be? I'd rather you call me "nigga" than a black, but dont call me that either. But proven through science I am not black nor are "white" people, white. (ICE CUBE- Laugh Now Cry Later) buy it, track #11, its not a gimmick he's talkin real situations. But now we can look up at President Obama as a career path and not just the NBA, the NFL, Rapping, sellin crack. REAL SHIT WHITE AMERICA, some of ya'll havent made it to easy for us, keep in mind the absolute majority of laws passed were introduced by whites, some could say that is biased. But now I'm gonna try and like this damned country because of OBAMA and I'm sure I'm not the only one of my kind.

Atsuko Arai said...

you know what I wish? I wish there was a qualifying exam to prove sufficient intelligence to vote.

AND I wish that if people were going to be single issue voters, they'd pick an issue that wasn't so god damn retarded like what color someone's skin is.

You wanna talk about the debt America owes blacks for slavery? You go back to Africa and talk to the people who sold the slaves, your black great great great great grandparents. Like a very smart person said, white americans weren't the Masters of slavery, they were just new customers.

to the last "annonymous" poster talking about all that karma bs, I can completely understand why you'd like to remain annonymous. it's obvious you don't have the IQ of a tepid cup of coffee. If you think your future or your opportunities are so restricted just because you're black, that's because you're probably just too lazy and worthless to get up off your can and do something for yourself, walking around with your hand out waiting for that Obamination to grant you hope or change or whatever. You may think I'm being a racist, but I'm not. I hate ignorance in every shade.

One of my company's regional directors would disagree with you, because he is a black man and that didn't stop him from becoming a successful and productive doctor of medicine. And he can't stand Obama either.


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I consider myself a small government conservative who believes in the constitution. I love to write and my objective is to reveal and expose Obama's plans and philosophy for what they truly are: futile and naive. I don't believe Obama understands the vision our founding fathers had, and this lack of understanding is why this country is facing enormous difficulties. Please subscribe and be sure to come back! I need your support!