Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution reads: "No Person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States."
There are numerous questions as to Obama's citizen status raising suspicion and doubt about Obama constitutional qualification to be president. To settle these questions Mr. Obama must produce proof of citizenship!
Documents that must be produced include; (a) a certified copy of "vault" (original long version) birth certificate; (b) certified copies of all reissued and sealed birth certificates in the names Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama, Barack Dunham and Barry Dunham; (c) a certified copy Certification of Citizenship; (d) a certified copy Oath of Allegiance taken upon age of maturity; (e) certified copies of admission forms for Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard Law School; and (f) certified copies of any court orders or legal documents changing his name from Barry Soetoro.
It is reasonable that these documents should be produced considering that his father is Kenyan, his adoptive father is Indonesian, and his grandmother claims to have been present at his birth in Kenya. If he is a natural born citizen then producing these documents should not be any problem.
These allegations will not go away until Mr. Obama produces proof to federal authorities and the public. If he will not do so voluntarily he must be compelled by every means available. You, as an employee of The People, have sworn an oath to support and defend the Constitution.
We The People are demanding you to make every effort, both public and private, to resolve this fundamental Constitutional question before 20 January.
A video of a 2006 interview with now-Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel for president-elect Barack Obama reveals plans for mandatory induction for all young adults into a civilian "force."
"If you're worried about, are you going to have to do 50 jumping jacks, the answer is yes," Emanuel told the interviewer, a reporter who was podcasting for the New York Daily News at the time.
A video of a 2006 interview with now-Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel for president-elect Barack Obama
reveals plans for mandatory induction for all young adults into a civilian "force."
"If you're worried about, are you going to have to do 50 jumping jacks, the answer is yes," Emanuel told the interviewer, a reporter who was podcasting for the New York Daily News at the time.
WND reported last weekend when the official website for Obama,, announced he would "require" all middle school through college students to participate in community service programs.
However, after a flurry of blogs protested children being drafted into Obama's proposed youth corps, officials softened the website's wording.
Originally, under the tab "America Serves," read, "President-Elect Obama will expand national service programs like AmeriCorps and Peace Corps and will create a new Classroom Corps to help teachers in under served schools, as well as a new Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps.
"Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year," the site announced.
Now comes the Emanuel video, which has been embedded here:
In the interview, Emanuel was questioned whether participants in the proposed force would live in barracks.
"Somewhere between the age of 18 to 25 you will do three months of training. You can do it at some point in your college time," he said. "There can be nothing wrong with all Americans having a joint, similar experience of what we call civil defense training or civil service."
Emanuel said the planned requiring service "will give people a sense of what it means to be an American."
He said, of course, the plan at that point was flexible.
"We propose three months [but] at the end of the day [if] someone says it should be four … I'm not going sit here and hold up [plans]," Emanuel said.
When the reporter questioned the commitment, Emanuel responded, "Guess what. We have a lot more challenges. We are going to need a lot to do it. If you're worried about are you going to have to do 50 jumping jacks the answer is yes."
He chuckled at the reporters concerns.
"Rather than figure out if whether you take a train ride or a barrack. … Think of it this way, it will be a common experience.
"There will be a body of citizens who are ready, capable and trained," he said.
But the plan, especially its demand that Americans participate in a domestic "force," has been raising questions.
The blogger Gateway Pundit called Obama's plan the "creation of his Marxist youth corps," and DBKP commented, "'Choosing' to serve should be approved by parents – not required by the government. No amount of good intentions can sugar-coat words like 'mandatory,' 'compulsory' or 'required.'"
Emanuel uses his book, "The Plan: Big Ideas for America," to specify that he would propose, for all Americans ages 18 to 25, that they "serve their country by going through three months of basic training, civil defense preparation and community service."
Obama, meanwhile, also has yet to clarify what he meant during his July "Call to Service" speech in Colorado Springs in which he insisted the U.S. "cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set" and needs a "civilian national security force."
A video of his comments is here:
Joseph Farah, founder and editor of WND, used his daily column first to raise the issue and then to elevate it with a call to all reporters to start asking questions about it.
"If we're going to create some kind of national police force as big, powerful and well-funded as our combined U.S. military forces, isn't this rather a big deal?" Farah wrote. "I thought Democrats generally believed the U.S. spent too much on the military. How is it possible their candidate is seeking to create some kind of massive but secret national police force that will be even bigger than the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force put together?
"Is Obama serious about creating some kind of domestic security force bigger and more expensive than that? If not, why did he say it? What did he mean?" Farah wrote.
The Obama campaign has declined to respond to WND questions on the issue.
But Farah's call generated intense Internet discussions.
The Blue Collar Muse blog commented, "The questions are legion and the implications of such an organization are staggering! What would it do? According to the title, it's a civilian force so how would it go about discharging 'national security' issues? What are the Constitutional implications for such a group? How is this to be paid. … The statement was made in the context of youth service. Is this an organization for just the youth or are adults going to participate? How does one get away from the specter of other such 'youth' organizations from Nazi Germany and the former Soviet Union when talking about it?"
I am small government conservative. I believe all forms of life should be protected. If you can't protect life, you can't protect liberty. I also don't believe the federal government has the right to send people to war without the consent of the people through their elected representatives. PERSONALLY, I don't believe in engaging in war on any level - due to religious beliefs, but as far as the constitution is concerned - war can never be waged without declaration of war from the U.S. congress. Congress never declared war, therefore, the war should stop immediately.
I mentioned I don't like all of John McCain's Policies, and that is mainly because I don't consider him a real conservative in the traditional sense. How can someone value the life of the unborn, but turn around and send people to war without good reason or congressional approval? McCain is just as hypocritical as Bush was. But McCain obviously won't be president, so lets discuss Obama's ideas.
Obama wants to move the troops to afghanistan to continue a war that should have been never waged in the first place. "Al-queda," is a terrorist network that dates back ages, and we have no right to invade a foreign country because some isolated terrorist network attacked us. To this date, we've had more then 5,000 americans die. Mother and Father's have lost their loved ones, and young children have lost their mothers and fathers. Meanwhile, over 1 MILLION innocent iraqis have died, both muslims and christians. It is a horrible atrocity, and Obama doesn't have the courage to put an immediate end to this war. He does what MOST all other politicians do and sugarcoats the reality of this. He says "another 16 months," and then wants to leave residual forces on a sovereign land, and move troops to fight in another country. He also thinks Iran and Pakistan are on the table, even though these countries have never done anything to us.
Obama, as someone who rails against bush so much, doesn't differ from him when it comes to foreign policy. He is going to be hawk and fearmonger/warmonger just like Bush, and people will be sorry they chose him. The muslims will be extremely pissed when Obama decides to bomb muslim countries. He already has pledged to go to afghanistan. They keep using the "terrorist excuse," just like Bush did, and it does nothing but destroy lives and drown our economy. We spend billions of dollars overseas and we don't have enough sense to PULL all of our resources out of there.
My view is, Obama doesn't support the right of the unborn, nor does he endorse the idea of our constitution. NO WAR CAN BE WAGED WITHOUT CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL. Obama has no authority to start any war for any reason whatsoever without congressional approval.
I'm anti-war and pro-life. Obama is for big government and does not want to protect life, domestically or foreign based. Obama is just being politically correct. He is trying to save face like the rest of the politicians. They've said the same thing for 4 years.. "we can't leave now, we must win the war, or we must clean up the mess we started, or this or that." Wrong - you must leave and leave now. You want to get out of iraq? Get out. The iraqi people can take care of themselves and I'm sure they wouldn't cry if we left. Leave afghanistan alone. We've incited nothing but hatred in the middle east. September 11th, as sad is it was, is over. Besides, we're going broke. We can't AFFORD any more war. It's costing us LIVES too. How can Obama look at any mother or father in the eye and justify the continuation of our presence in the middle east?
Come on Obama supporters, I'm waiting to hear why you think he is so moral because he wants to move the war to other countries and cause more harm abroad. Economically and Morally, Obama's policies are destructive. You see - Obama's values go directly inline with his philosophy. He's against protecting the rights of the unborn, and he's against protecting the rights of the innocent people who have to be killed/murdered because of an unjustified U.S. invasion.
It is time that Americans STAND UP and DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY from those in washington. Don't make a justification and say "well at least he isn't bush." That doesn't work. The dollar is crashing, people are dying for no reason, and Obama's solutions? He has none. Big government spending and more war will not solve anything.
During the presidential debates, Barack Obama insisted that personal health is an individual right, rather then an individual responsibility. This isn't surprising. Just another basic liberal idea. Obama believes, like many other liberals, that people should be bailed out for their bad lifestyles. The sickness in this country is incalculable, it is beyond reason, and the medical industry clearly is not the solution. But Obama thinks bureaucracy and big health institutions can save people, and he insists that it happens all through the U.S. taxpayer. People get sick because of their lifestyle and habits, and in my view, it is wrong to take money from other people just because your health is screwed up. Health is not a "right," but a personal responsibility. Health is maintained by the individual, not the big health institutions and the nanny state. Millions of people live hectic lifestyles, eat the wrong things and live the wrong way, and then they want these big institutions to come and rescue them. The ironic thing is, the health care and the medicine in this country is failing, utterly failing. Most modern medicine covers symptoms and does not beat any degenerative disease. People have this naive attitude of health and it goes like this... "I need affordable health insurance so I can live a healthy life." No, you don't. You need to live a healthy life to achieve good health. It's that SIMPLE. Medicine covers symptoms, it does not cure diseases. Most cancer treatments kill cells and weaken people beyond damage, and ultimately kill them. Rarely does cancer treatment work. There is medicine for everything today: High Blood pressure, high blood sugar, "depression," (also known as being sad), hyperactivity, RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME. Here's my question for Obama and all of these people complaining about health costs: Why in the world do you think the big institutions and government will save you and rescue and heal you. Stop and take responsibility for your own health. The only medicine for health is preventative medicine. The human body is resilient and underestimated, and people usually resort to quick fixes and drugs that don't work. Let's face it, doctors deal with modern medicine and its all about business. They've done nothing but continued criminal activity. Charged people billions of dollars and put people in debt, with no help at all overall to their health.
Here's my message to Obama: If our fellow citizens get sick, its THEIR responsibility to look at what they eat and how they live. A lot, and probably all health problems are caused by MAN. Thus man has to look at what is natural. No one is perfect, but you can't expect to rely on modern medicine, it doesn't solve the root cause of the problem. If people want to use modern medicine, then why should taxpayers be FORCED for other peoples health care? Force is wrong. Forcing people to pay for anything is wrong, and you can't justify force simply because people are sick. The founders of this country would roll in their grave if they knew how the federal government was dealing with people's health problems! Doesn't Obama UNDERSTAND the constitution: The role of the federal government is all about RESTRAINT and should very LIMITED. But he wants to HELP EVERYONE and SAVE THE ECONOMY and HEAL the PLANET. The federal government has NO right taking money and taxing people for public schooling and public health services. As much as people desire this nanny state, it does not work. Read the constitution Barack, the federal government's role is very very small. Their role is making sure that monetary policy is sound and making sure we have a good national defense. Other then that, it is very limited. Too many people have forgotten that in this country and they want hand outs. I am poor myself, but NEVER would I think it is ok to FORCE others to pay my way.
You see folks, Obama's philosophy is centered around collectivism and societal obligation. You are not only responsible for yourself and your family, but you are responsible for EVERYONE's families and their well being. The whole notion is absurd and it goes against individual responsibility. Individual responsibility does not necessarily mean you don't help other people. It means that the individual must make their own choices to help others, and that choice is a personal freedom. But the individual should not be FORCED to care for everyone else when he/she is trying to take care of things that our within reason. This country is founded on self government, which means we can can govern ourselves. The federal government has no right to use force and high taxes as a way to fix peoples health problems. Let me be blunt: It is unrealistic to think we can fix all of the worlds problems. This country was founded on individual rights and personal liberty. Let people take care of themselves and their families and keep government the way it should be, on the local level. Local communities should be able to help eachother, but not by force, but through good will and volunteerism. Obama's intentions MAY be good, but they are clearly wrong and misguided.
His idea of change is no different. Big government spending. In 4 years, the economy will be in worse shape.
Dare I ask this question: Is part of Obama's vote a sense of white guilt in this country? Do not misunderstand me here: I am not saying that all people who voted for Obama was because they felt ashamed of how their ancestors treated blacks, nor am I saying that ALL people voted for him because they feared being a racist. But I think this is a legitimate question: If you rant and rave about Barack Obama's associations, his policies, his radical statements, then you are considered a racist. I think McCain's foreign policy is very radical and extreme and I do not support it one bit, nor do I support Obama's idea to invade afghanistan and possibly pakistan. Obama also wants to continue a war that he chose to fund, and he wants to leave military force in iraq even 16 more months! More people die, more money is spent, and Obama is ok with continuation of it. Obama does what most politicians do - and that is what is politically correct. He is a puppet for bigger interests just like Bush is.
On to my main point: Many people, especially young people - are brainwashed into voting for Obama because of what is on the surface. They look at the color of his skin and feel a sense of obligation to vote for him simply because he is black. Let me also mention that over 95% of black people voted for Obama, and does anyone honestly believe that is not race-driven? It's always white people who are racist when they have a problem with a prominent black figure, but when black people rave and rant about white people, it is OK. You know... like Barack OBAMA'S PASTOR OF 20 YEARS, who rants and RAVES about HOW RICH AND EVIL US WHITE PEOPLE ARE. In my view, many black people are over defensive about the race issue and more often then not, they instigate racial divide. There is definitely white racists, but don't sit there and say there isn't black people who hate whites. Let's face it folks, The black population voted for Obama because he was BLACK. Sure, they have always supported the dems, but even more of them supported Obama in this race.
I believe the last two or three elections have been rigged and the vote has been tampered with, but there is no doubt about some demographics. I think many whites voted for Obama because they see things on the surface. They say Obama is a great speaker... funny for a man who once said there is 57 states, lol. The guy is no better a speaker then many politicians. Many people fall in love with Obama because it is the "cool" thing to do, to vote for a young black man who uses the word "CHANGE". Although, some would contend he isn't a black american, being his mother is white, and his father is from africa. Thus, he'd be bi-racial. In any event - what kind of change does obama offer? What is so different about Barack Obama? Adolf Hitler was a GREAT SPEAKER, but an evil person. I am not saying Obama is anything remotely close to Hitler, because he isn't. But you can't say Obama is different just because you think he is a little more intelligent then George Bush, who we all know lacks loads of intelligence. Just because he speaks well and has a youthful appearance does not make him a great leader. His policies and action have to be tested, and frankly, his policies are more of the same. He is nothing like John F. Kennedy, and I find it laughable when the comparison is made.
I want to hear a response from you Obama supporters. Tell me what he is going to do to make AMERICA SO MUCH BETTER. Tell me how he will restore the dollar and our currency, and tell me how he feels baout the federal reserve system and its influence on monetary problems. Tell me how Obama will bring peace to middle east, when he insists on invading afghanistan, and possibly iran and pakistan. Tell me how he will restore our "Standing" in the world. Tell me how he is going to save the poor. He can't save the poor, only the poor can rely on themselves and their families and friends. Obama is not your savior and just because he promises you a check in the mail, doesn't mean you'll get one. Tell me how Obama offers more freedom, when he wants to EXPAND government. I guess you'll say what they all say.. "stop SMEARING OBAMA!!!!." I'm not smearing him, I am seriously calling into question what is so great about him.
The man stood in a church with a preacher who believes in BLACK LIBERATION. Do you have any clue what that means? Don't say "well he didnt know." He knew WRIGHT for 20 years and he knew exactly what he stood for. Obama's identity has so many different questions, its crazy. These things aren't just smears and they don't just come out of nowhere. Deal with it - this country is still divided just like when Bush was president. Millions of Americans do not like Obama and do not believe much of anything he says.
Phillip J. Berg, a well known democratic lawyer in the state of Pennsylvania, has taken the birth certificate issue of Barack Obama to the Supreme court. Mr. Berg had made a request to the judge for a presidential election delay, and this request was denied on November 3rd. The judge denied that request, but also has ordered Barack Obama or his Lawyers to reply to the allegations regarding his birth certificate. Berg had recently filed a case in an eastern district federal court of Pennsylvania, but the case was dismissed due to "lack of standing," which means that berg did not have proper standing or any place to challenge Barack Obama's qualifications. Berg was disappointed in the decision and that is why he decided to appeal to the Supreme court and ask for a hearing. Obama's lawyers and the DNC lawyers chose to argue that the case be dismissed instead of simply showing Obama's birth certificate. This case has caused massive skepticism nationwide about Obama's origins/identity.
Berg does not believe Obama's certificate on his website is authentic. Obama started a website called to silence the issue, but Many independent experts have studied the alleged "Certificate of live birth," and do not believe it to be real either. Berg contends that Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya, and that Obama relinquished any citizenship he had when he moved to indonesia as a child. Berg cites indonesian law that disallows a citizen of indonesia to hold dual citizenship with any other country. Obama attended public school in indonesia and his record is on file and has been confirmed by the associated press. To view Obama's school records, click here.
Obama's childhood name was "Barry Soetoro," as a child, because his indonesia stepfather(Lolo Soetoro) adopted him. Berg wonders why Obama decided to change it back.
Berg also contends that even if Obama was born in Hawaii, that does not make him a natural born citizen because one of his parent's was not a citizen. Thus, certain rules apply to the mother(Who is a citizen) for him to to be considered natural born. Berg contends that the mother must be a citizen for 10 years prior to Obama being born, with 5 of those years being AFTER the age of 16. Berg contends that was the law then, and that Obama lost any citizenship he had when he was declared a citizen of indonesia. There is many other elements of the case.
The case is an actual case and it gives the docket number. You can view the docket by vising the supreme court's main website.
To read the lawsuit and all of the court documents, visit The website currently has over 100 million hits in 2 months. Berg says that if Obama shows his original vault version birth certificate to the court system and its verified and revealed to the public, he will drop the case.
Berg says he will keep fighting this and challenge the electoral college and their vetting process. Obama is not officially the next president until the electoral college meets and formally nominates him. Berg wants a supreme court hearing and will keep fighting to make this an issue. He believes this will be a constitutional crisis if Obama is in office and not a real citizen and therefore, not qualified.
I consider myself a small government conservative who believes in the constitution. I love to write and my objective is to reveal and expose Obama's plans and philosophy for what they truly are: futile and naive. I don't believe Obama understands the vision our founding fathers had, and this lack of understanding is why this country is facing enormous difficulties.
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